If you’re an entrepreneur, your story has a big job to do in the success of your business, but the most important role it has is making an emotional connection with the people you are serving.
Having a Story Check-Up will help you make strategic decisions about your business story across your entire digital presence. You’ll learn if your story has the clarity, emotional health, and digital performance it needs to make that all-important connection with your visitors.
It’s a little like your annual physical but I promise, Story Check-Ups are painless!
Afterwards, you’ll feel more aligned with your core story, have clarity on your content strategy, know where to invest and what you need to let go.
How will a Story Check-Up help me?
Will it hurt?
No! Story Check-Ups do not hurt but they might cause a little surprise. Or consternation. Or joy! What they do reveal is where things are working and healthy from a strategic point of view and where you could improve. All delivered with painless, compassionate, empathetic care.
I’m ready for my check-up
Please fill out our Story Check-Up intake form at the bottom of this page and then I will be in touch to have a short discussion with you to ensure I focus on the issues you see as the priority for your business.
All businesses who purchase a Story Check-up get a bonus follow-up coaching call to discuss how to implement the recommendations in the report.
How much does a check-up cost?
The cost of your check-up will be assessed once I receive your intake form and will be based on the size of your website and the extent of your digital story presence.
Head to the form below to take the first step towards getting your check-up!