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I can help your story feel better.

Because when your story feels good, it connects with people and helps them care as much as you do about your business.

A healthy story—one that everyone wants to share—is a story that is nurtured and cared for every step of the way.

Through my process, I support your story health so that you can grow your community, focus on doing what you love, and truly connect with your customers. In other words, a healthy and thriving business.

Collage featuring phone, letters, heart

The Story Doctor approach

Feel supported at whatever stage of content development you happen to be in. My process begins with assessment, then acute care for your most pressing story issues, followed by coaching and finally, training.

Hands editing a paper with red pencil

Story check-up

Only you know your truest story. But sometimes we get lost in the telling and need an outside perspective. I offer a clear assessment of your overall story health through the Story Check-up process.

Kind of like your annual physical you might get at your doctor’s office, the Story Check-Up reveals your current story status and overall health of your content. You’ll receive an assessment and recommendations in content areas such your website, brand design, user experience, tone, voice, copywriting, cadence, social media and core story.

By having a Story Check-up, you’ll learn where you’re knocking it out of the park and where you might need a little help. Consider a Story Check-up as a strategic roadmap before your next project, launch, or campaign.

Time for a check-up?


My coaching practice organically evolved out of conversations I had with entrepreneurs who were looking for one-on-one help with tough story challenges in their businesses. I began to see that there was a gap for leaders who needed dedicated time to talk through their deeper content issues within their organization or business in a safe and supported space.

Through my coaching process, I will support you in developing strategies and skills to improve the health of your core story and sort out the obstacles preventing your story from connecting with your customer.

Learn more on story coaching
Woman writing in notebook
Two laptops side by side


I teach and coach story craft skills so the most authentic version of your story connects with the right people, at the right time, in the right context.

I design customized curricula for organizations and entrepreneurs based on their unique story needs and culture. Learning collaboratively in a low-barrier setting is key for small to large businesses and organizations that want to progress in their storytelling and be more effective at communicating their purpose.

Learn with Story Doctor

Clients and collaborators on working with Story Doctor:

Building a business has been an interesting journey with many lessons to learn. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is that we can’t do it all. I enjoyed Margaret’s creativity and sense of humour! It was such a pleasure to work with her!

~ Tracey Klettl, Owner, Painted Warriors

Mags has been a collaborating partner of the Tourism Cafe for 10 years as a coach, trainer and content developer. Her rich knowledge of the power of stories as a critical element of product development and marketing is complemented by her ability to assess a destination from a visitor and professional lens.

~ Nancy Arsenault, Managing Partner, Tourism Cafe Canada

Mags has a unique ability to make you feel very comfortable when working on creating your story. She does her research, asks the right questions, and provides a clear path forward to ensure we are able to tell the story of our business with confidence. I can’t wait to work with her again.

~ Mike Carpenter, Red Rock Adventures

I had the benefit of attending an online course facilitated by Mags Doyle from Story Doctor. The individual coaching from Mags was extremely helpful. She is warm and approachable, while practical and objective, and many of her suggestions have already been put to use.

~ Yvette Rogers, Celtic Colours International Festival

Passionate, creative, knowledgeable and efficient. Margaret produced a website audit for us that is a terrific roadmap for creating our new website. I highly recommend working with Story Doctor!

~ Diane Baker, Wildhorse Ranch

Select training clients include:

Royal Roads University logo
Travel Alberta logo
Gros Morne Institute for Sustainable Tourism logo
The University of British Columbia logo
Regional Tourism Organization 4 Inc. (RTO4) logo
New Brunswick logo
Tourism Richmond
Destination BC logo
The Tourism Cafe logo

I can help your story feel better.
Find out how.

Get your Story Check-up